Challenges of Wikis in school


A wiki is a collaborative website that enables users to create, edit, and link content together. One of the primary advantages of wikis is their ability to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among users.

In a school setting, wikis can be an invaluable tool for collaborative projects, research, and group work. However, there are several challenges associated with using wikis in schools:

Accuracy and Appropriateness: Since wikis allow anyone to edit content, there is a risk of inaccurate or inappropriate information being added. Teachers need to monitor and moderate the content to ensure it is accurate and suitable for students.

Group Dynamics: Collaborative projects on wikis require students to work together and communicate effectively. Managing group dynamics and ensuring equal contribution from all students can be challenging.

Technical Skills: Some students may struggle with the technology and formatting required to create and edit wiki pages. Teachers may need to provide instruction and support to ensure all students can use the wiki effectively.

Understanding Knowledge Sharing and Citation: Students may have difficulty understanding the concept of sharing knowledge and properly citing sources on a wiki. Teachers need to educate students about plagiarism and intellectual property rights when using wikis for research projects.

Overall, while wikis can be a valuable tool for collaboration and knowledge sharing in schools, they also present several challenges that need to be addressed to ensure their effective use in the classroom.


  1. Nice job mentioning the benefits and limitations of wikis. I think if the content is well moderated, the benefits outweigh the risks. I use Wikipedia a lot and it's very helpful for getting broad information about a topic, person, etc.

  2. Great job on this blog. I think wikis generate general information and ideas on topics. But it's very important for students to use reviewed articles to back up all the information they read on wikis.


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